Have I mentioned that I have trouble finishing my projects? That is to say, I knit the whole piece(s) but will NEVER block, sew seams, and weave in the ends until I'm about 10 minutes away from giving it to the person who has bought it or is receiving it as a gift. But the ridiculous thing is that each unfinished project (there are, literally, at least 20 of them in my apartment) each hold a special point of tension in my neck and back or a lovely knot in my stomach. You'd think that would be motivation enough to finish the project, but, alas, my masochism prevails.
Next week is "reading week" at school (which means we don't have classes), and, among other things, I hope to throw myself a finishing party - in which I'll spend a whole day finishing all those lovely, lingering projects and hopefully knock out a few of the kinks in my neck and back through the process!
Meanwhile, there's new stuff in lots of fall colors going up on etsy...

I want to come to your finishing party!
Does that mean you also have trouble with the finishing part OR are you just eager to help me finish my projects?! I'd be more than happy to bring home a suitcase of unfinished projects at Christmas and let you weave in all the ends. Doesn't that sound like fun?!
Hmmm . . . I just meant that I wanted to come see you! However, if you want to bring some stuff at Christmas to be finished, I'll help you out. I agree, though--that's the least fun part of the knitting process. Did I tell you I finally finished Callie's blanket? I'm working on Caleb's now.
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