Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catching Up

Ahh, I am back after a LONG holiday hiatus. In the past week, I have begun to reconnect with ambitions for Greenleaf that had begun to fade over the past couple of months. (I'll blame that on graduate school. That's my excuse - though quite valid - for everything these days.)

In this past month, although I've been mostly inactive with the business side of Greenleaf, I've continued to knit, of course. Among other things, I knitted these hats as Christmas gifts for my 3, beautiful nieces...

I bought the flowers that I sewed onto the hats from a local Seattle artist. (You can see and buy her beautiful work at

As far as the business end of Greenleaf goes, I'm happy to have run into a LARGE (over 400 people) group of Seattle artists who also have shops on etsy. They are called etsyRAIN (ahh, so depressingly fitting for a group of Seattle-ites), and they function to network and support each other in their brave and creative endeavors. I'm very happy to have found and joined this group of artists.

In other news, the gracious family for whom I nanny gave me a tent to use for markets!!! Now, the weatherman holds much less power over my market fate - YEA!!! I'll be sure to post my market vending plans here for you local consumers.